Monday, 1 April 2013

HIV/AIDS can be kept in chains with this supplement!

 Hello users. My name's Simon. You're welcome.
There's a nutritional supplement that can help reduce the unpleasant effects of an HIV attack.
It's Swissgarde's African Potato Capsules.
It's derived from the African Potato plant which contains Hypoxis extract, Sterols & Sterolins (healthy plant 'fats').
It has many health benefits, especially it's ability to boost the immune system thereby helping the body fight most diseases..
The immune system is in the blood. As an internal defence system, it protects the body against viruses and germs.
The white cells in our blood are our body's 'soldiers' that fight viruses and germs coming in.
The protective white cells (lymphocytes) are controlled by special blood cells called 'T' cells.
The HIV virus attacks and kills the important 'T' cells leaving the body with little defence!

The Sterols and Sterolins in the African Potato Capsules help to maintain the number of 'T' cells in the blood thus keeping an active immune system!

Swissgarde NAFDAC-approved African Potato Capsules are intended as a nutritional supplement, NOT a cure.
Swissgarde health products are made in South-Africa with the highest standards of quality.

If you're interested and do seek value for your money's worth, visit and have a view of this product at:

P.S: If you'd like to get into the business of selling this and other great health products and getting attractive profits to yourself, visit:

To your happiness! 

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